Advertising at Zermatt Bergbahnen AG
Zermatt Bergbahnen AG is one of the leading cable car and lift companies in the Alps and the biggest sole operator of cableways in Switzerland, with around 260 employees, 220 kilometres of slopes and 32 lift installations in the Matterhorn Ski Paradise resort. We offer our visitors unique excursions and snow sport experiences 365 days a year. There are many opportunities for you as an advertiser to reach our international customer base.
Advertising in the form of a spot (3 x 10 seconds within 2 minutes) or animated images on the screens of the networked, visual information system throughout the Zermatt Ski Resort. Entertains the guest at top frequented locations with the highest attention guarantee for your advertising!
Your partners for poster advertising in Zermatt:
APG|SGA, Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft AG
Contact for regional customers in Valais:
Nathalie Roten, nathalie.roten@apgsga.ch, Tel. +41 58 220 73 80
Contact for national & international customers:
Key Account Management, verkauf.kam@apgsga.ch, Tel. +41 58 220 70 00
The poster is more than just the oldest advertising medium: it is also one of the most efficient and effective in terms of the attention it is given and the impact it has.
Your partners for poster advertising in Zermatt:
APG|SGA, Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft AG
Contact for regional customers in Valais:
Nathalie Roten, nathalie.roten@apgsga.ch, Tel. +41 58 220 73 80
Contact for national & international customers:
Key Account Management, verkauf.kam@apgsga.ch, Tel. +41 58 220 70 00
Advertisements inside the cabin are seen by each and every passenger. They are viewed intentionally or otherwise throughout the duration of the ride – a long period for them to be assimilated and stored in the memory.
Your partners for in-cabin advertising in Zermatt:
BEWESTA Bergbahnenwerbung
Kurt Staub, kurt.staub@bewesta.ch
Tel. +41 44 884 28 01
Advertising on chair lift restraining bars is seen by every passenger and attracts maximum attention: when opening and closing the bar and throughout the whole ride.
Your partners for restraining bar advertising in Zermatt:ALP MEDIA AD GMBH
Paulus Huber, phuber@alpmedia.at
Tel. +43 512 279 260 11
Gebrandete Gondeln
Marken in einer ikonischen Weise bewerben - Die Gondeln sorgen für bleibende Eindrücke. Die Nutzung der Infrastruktur bietet eine hohe Frequnz und eine passende Möglichkeit sich auf eine andere Art und Weise zu präsentieren.
Partner für Gondelwerbung in Zermatt:
Alpdest Services AG
Herr Pascal Ludi, pascal.ludi@alpdest.com, Tel. +41 79 605 18 13